Sunday, January 1, 2012


Bloggy, blogger, bloggerista...

I am venturing into a new frontier. Being of pioneer vintage, this shouldn't be surprising. But, also being something of a control freak, I don't like the unknown, so I tend to avoid it. Conflicted, maybe.

I will be somewhat sporadic in my blogs since I am back in school and have this job thing, too. I can see myself forgetting that I even have a blog, kind of Dori like, oh, look, I have a Blog.
And look, I see I did have a blog in 2008 that I completely forgot about. Whoa.

This is all Ryan's fault, too. Just sayin'.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I see that this could get me into trouble as I am such a good typist... you know, one of those old people that can't text. They, the proletariat, did tell us young that typing would no longer be needed in the future and not to bother with it unless you were planning to be a secretary.
I am not sure how interesting I am. I am much more interested in reading other people's thoughts and pondering them.
So, I am pondering.